On behalf of the men and women who make up the Blackstone Police Department, I want to welcome you to our new website. This site has been designed to provide you with information about the Blackstone Police Department and to allow you to explore specific programs offer by our department.
The department is made up of the following: a Chief, a Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, a Detective, 12 Officers, 4 Full-Time Dispatchers and a Part-Time Dispatcher.
The department utilizes the concepts of community policing and constantly strives to seek options to have its officers become more effective and efficient in the delivery of police services to the residence and the people who travel to and from our community.
Our officers enforce the law in a fair, impartial manner, using discretion when applicable and responding to emergencies as well as the basic law enforcement needs of the town.
We are always open to suggestions, new ideas and criticisms as we provide our service to the town. Please feel free to contact us at anytime.
Gregory Gilmore
Chief of Police